Tag: Acts 2

corey trevathan Will you Honor God? Faith Sermons

Will you Honor God?

Putting First Things First If you think about it, before you begin to do anything of any significance, you always take a moment to think about what has to happen…

corey trevathan God On A Mission Faith Sermons

God On A Mission

God’s Mission Ed Stetzer once said this about the church… “God’s church doesn’t have a mission, God’s mission has a church.”Ed Stetzer You may wonder what that has to do…

corey trevathan Ever go the wrong direction? Faith YouTube

Ever go the wrong direction?

One Way Streets Do you need to change direction? I remember when I turned 16 years old and got my driver’s license, I found myself driving downtown. It seems like…

corey trevathan Baptism + The Holy Spirit Sermons Faith

Baptism + The Holy Spirit

“For a healthy Christian life, it is indispensable that we should be fully conscious that we have received the Holy Spirit to dwell in us.” – Andrew Murray, Experiencing the…

corey trevathan Belonging Together Faith Sermons

Belonging Together

Belonging Together This past week Alisha & I went out to see “The Greatest Showman.” It really is one of those feel good movies. As I watched the story unfold…

corey trevathan We are Here for Others Faith Missions Sermons

We are Here for Others

Otherness A few years ago I was taking a group on a mission trip to Mexico. Before we left I gave everyone a bracelet to wear while we were on…