Tag: john

corey trevathan Beyond All Doubt: God Is... Jesus Faith Sermons

Beyond All Doubt: God Is… Jesus

Doubt? What do you do with doubt? I don’t know if you’ve noticed this trend like I have. But I’ve seen this in my kids. I think this is true…

corey trevathan From Epic Failures to an Unfailing Plan: A Christmas Reflection Faith Sermons

From Epic Failures to an Unfailing Plan: A Christmas Reflection

How many of you already have all your Christmas presents bought? How many of you already have them wrapped! How many of you haven’t even started Christmas shopping yet? Ok,…

corey trevathan What Matters Most? Faith YouTube

What Matters Most?

What really matters? We can spend our days chasing after the things this world has to offer but that dream car, that dream house, that dream job… it just won’t…

corey trevathan Extend the Invitation to Come and See Faith YouTube

Extend the Invitation to Come and See

Come and See Have you ever wondered, How do you invite friends to church? How do you talk to people about Jesus? What if you don’t know what to say…

corey trevathan Guess Who's Coming to Visit Faith Sermons

Guess Who’s Coming to Visit

Guess Who! What do you think about when you hear this question, “Guess who’s coming to visit?” Just a few days ago I got to ask my kids this question….

corey trevathan The Heart of Worship Faith Sermons

The Heart of Worship

The Soundtrack of Our Lives I don’t know about you, but there are certain songs, when I hear them, something happens inside of me. There are certain lyrics, when they…

corey trevathan Passion Faith Family


Passion: From Familiarity to Intimacy In a recent book called, Resilient, Child Discipleship and the Fearless Future of the Church, Valerie Bell says this… “If our young people are going…

corey trevathan 6 Ways to Help Our Kids Know Jesus this Christmas Faith

6 Ways to Help Our Kids Know Jesus this Christmas

Christmas with Kids! Hey Parents, I’ve got a thought for you as we head into this Christmas Season with our kids. Every year at this time of year, it seems…

corey trevathan Peace on Earth: The Path to Peace Faith Sermons

Peace on Earth: The Path to Peace

Finding the Path to Peace How do you find the path to peace during the Christmas season? You’ve probably heard this, but I love how one person described the Christmas…

corey trevathan Let Love Abide Faith Sermons

Let Love Abide

Let Love Abide We live in a world where people find it very hard to believe in a God they’ve never seen. But what if people could see God? Hang…