Tag: sovereign

corey trevathan The Good News about a Sovereign God Faith Sermons

The Good News about a Sovereign God

Hard Questions Sovereign? How do you reconcile what you believe to be true about God with the problems you see in the world around you? Here’s how most people ask…

corey trevathan Let There Be Light Faith Sermons

Let There Be Light

Have you ever thought about the first four words ever spoken by God? Alexa, Turn on the lights! A few years ago, we somehow got our first Alexa. I was…

corey trevathan Lord, reign over me. Faith Sermons

Lord, reign over me.

Let it go Every parent in the room knows this feeling, that moment when one of your kids hands you all their stuff so they can run off & play….

corey trevathan Sovereign in the Silence Faith Sermons

Sovereign in the Silence

What do you do when you hit rock bottom? A few years ago when The Muppets movie came out. And my kids loved it. What they loved even more was…