Tag: hope

corey trevathan Immanuel has a Middle Name Faith

Immanuel has a Middle Name

Meaning Words have meaning.  Names have meaning.  Have you ever looked up the meaning of your name?  According to thenamemeaning.com my name, Corey, means: Dweller in or near a hollow;…

corey trevathan Bicycles, the Moon, Jesus, and George Bailey Faith Sermons

Bicycles, the Moon, Jesus, and George Bailey

Bicycles Earlier this year, during the 2020 quarantine bicycle craze where you couldn’t find a bike in stores!, we got my daughter a new bike for her birthday!  We had…

corey trevathan I AM the LIGHT Faith Sermons


Disappointed What do you do when you’re disappointed? One of my family’s favorite Christmas movies growing up was Christmas Vacation with Chevy Chase.   When I was growing up, we had the…

corey trevathan The Star Faith Sermons

The Star

Wonder, Direction, and Hope When was the last time you lost yourself in WONDER, you knew where to turn for DIRECTION, and you had a real sense of lasting HOPE?…

corey trevathan The In-Between Faith Sermons

The In-Between

Caught in the Middle What do you do when you don’t know what to do? When you’re living in the in-between? So often, this is the human experience. We’re caught…

corey trevathan Let There Be Light Faith Sermons

Let There Be Light

Have you ever thought about the first four words ever spoken by God? Alexa, Turn on the lights! A few years ago, we somehow got our first Alexa. I was…

corey trevathan The Good News about Heaven Faith Sermons

The Good News about Heaven

“A massive assumption has been made in Western Christianity that the purpose of being a Christian is simply, or at least mainly, to “go to heaven when you die…”– N.T….

corey trevathan Living in the In-Between Faith Sermons

Living in the In-Between

Now What? Each year Easter Sunday is a reminder that something happened 2000 years ago that changed everything. The big question following the resurrection of Jesus following Easter Sunday is…

corey trevathan Hope Will Arise Faith Sermons

Hope Will Arise

“I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen. Not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.” – C.S. Lewis What…

corey trevathan Wait for it... Faith Sermons

Wait for it…

I don’t know if you’ve thought about this, but you only have 364 more shopping days until Christmas! When I say that, my guess is that all the parents are…