Tag: jesusseries

corey trevathan Christmas, Peace & Jesus Faith

Christmas, Peace & Jesus

Peace on Earth at Christmas? I think most of the time, Christmas could be described as an UN-Peace-Ful season. Anyone remember the infamous Tickle Me Elmo? The year was 1996…

corey trevathan When God was Born Faith

When God was Born

This past week I watched one of our favorite Christmas movies with my daughter, “How the Grinch Stole Christmas.” If you’ve ever seen it, then you know it’s a great movie….

corey trevathan What Happens When God becomes King? Faith

What Happens When God becomes King?

Have you ever wanted to be a King? When our kids were in preschool they had this day at school where once a year all the kids would dress up….

corey trevathan What Does God Look Like? Faith

What Does God Look Like?

What does God look like? It’s said that half the world’s population lives on less than $2 a day. And half of them live on less than $1 a day….