Tag: joy

corey trevathan We Need a Little Joy Faith Sermons

We Need a Little Joy

What is Joy? Has everyone turned in their Christmas lists to the grandparents yet? Everyone updated their Amazon wish list? There’s only 21 more shopping days until Christmas! It seems…

corey trevathan Friendship with God Faith Sermons

Friendship with God

A Friend of God? Klaus Issler once wrote a book he entitled, “Wasting Time with God.”  I love that title.  I love it because if you think about it, we…

corey trevathan Forgiveness Faith Sermons


Falsely Accused Forgiveness. Last year I heard the story of Jonathan Irons.  He had been convicted of a burglary and shooting and sentenced to 50 years in prison.  There was…

corey trevathan The Secret to Finding Joy Faith

The Secret to Finding Joy

What are you most grateful for today? I could answer that question a thousand ways.  I’m sure you could too.  But at the top of my list is my family….