Tag: One Another

corey trevathan Why Expressing Gratitude for One Another Matters Faith Sermons

Why Expressing Gratitude for One Another Matters

Let us be grateful It’s November which means thanksgiving is coming! This year we’ve got family coming to our house for Thanksgiving. Each year at Thanksgiving our family shares why…

corey trevathan OneAnothering: Serve One Another in Love Faith Sermons

OneAnothering: Serve One Another in Love

A Consumeristic World A few weeks ago my parents were in town and so my wife and I were able to go out on a date night.  Here’s how you…

corey trevathan OneAnothering: A New Way to Love Faith Sermons

OneAnothering: A New Way to Love

Jesus showed us a new way to love. But have we forgotten how to love in the way of Jesus? What does it mean to be the church?  What is…