Tag: #OurHouse

corey trevathan What if the church were like a family? Faith Family Sermons

What if the church were like a family?

Family How do you know how much you’re worth? When I was a kid, our family played a lot of card games. Games like War where 2 people lay down…

corey trevathan What makes a church a welcoming church? Faith Sermons

What makes a church a welcoming church?

What makes a church a welcoming church? Unexpected Post Game Clean Up A few weeks ago the world was captivated by what happened after a football game. I know what…

corey trevathan House Rules Faith Sermons

House Rules

Welcome to Our House: House Rules In our house growing up, we had a few house rules that I still remember. Things like, after school you had to do your…

corey trevathan All are welcome in God's house Faith Sermons

All are welcome in God’s house

We are all wonders 27 surgeries before the age of 10 In 2012, R. J. Palacio published a book called, “Wonder.” It’s a story about a kid named Auggie Pullman….