Tag: presence

corey trevathan The Red Thread: Tent Camping, God, and the Exodus Faith Sermons

The Red Thread: Tent Camping, God, and the Exodus

Tent Camping Have you ever thought about going tent camping with Jesus? When our kids were little, Alisha and I would often ask other parents… parents that we looked up…

corey trevathan Moved to Awaken Faith Sermons

Moved to Awaken

Awake I have a confession to make. I don’t know how many of you struggle with this. I didn’t use to struggle with this, but the older I get the…

corey trevathan Only God Faith

Only God

One of the greatest stories in the Bible that informs so much of what we know & think about God is the story of Exodus.  It’s the story of God…

corey trevathan Because Sometimes God Seems Far Away Faith

Because Sometimes God Seems Far Away

Far Away or Near? I remember a time when my son Will was about 5 years old and playing shortstop for his tee ball team. He’s a good ball player…