Monthly archives: February, 2015

corey trevathan Why Everybody Needs a Spock... Blog

Why Everybody Needs a Spock…

Yesterday the news broke that Leonard Nimoy passed away at age 83. Confession: I loved watching Star Trek growing up.  I once stood in line for over three hours to…

corey trevathan A Quick Shout Out to BlueHost Blog

A Quick Shout Out to BlueHost

I just wanted to give a quick shout out to our friends at  BlueHost is who I use to host this blog.  I noticed Monday morning that a blog post…

corey trevathan Following Jesus of Nazareth... Faith

Following Jesus of Nazareth…

OK, are you the official dog walker in your family?  Christmas 2013: Ella Grace, 5 years old at the time, through tears begged Santa for a dog for Christmas.  She…

corey trevathan Vince Lombardi & the Pearl of Great Price Heaven

Vince Lombardi & the Pearl of Great Price

Last week a news story broke as I was listening to a local sports talk radio show here in Atlanta.  Sean & Rikki McEvoy, a couple from Tennessee who buy…

corey trevathan Valentine's Day 1999 Family

Valentine’s Day 1999

I don’t know about you, but I’m so thankful that on Valentine’s Day 1999 Alisha said yes when I proposed in Nashville Bicentennial Park across from the Parthenon!  It was cold…

corey trevathan King Jesus Love Faith Missions

King Jesus Love

Is Jesus someone you hope to have a personal relationship with so that you can go deeper in your spiritual life & have the hope of Heaven one day, or…

corey trevathan Following Jesus Matters Faith

Following Jesus Matters

These past few weeks at our church & in our student ministry we’ve been thinking and talking about discipleship.  What it means & what it looks like to follow Jesus….