Monthly archives: June, 2023

The Rise & Fall of Worship

A Quick Question about Worship What needs to fall in your heart and life so that worship can rise? Indiana Jones Like many of you, I’m excited about the new…

A Giant Heart for Worship

Lost in Worship What would it take for you to loose yourself in worship? Have you ever had that moment when one of your favorite worship songs was playing in…

David and the Human Heart

How do you see the human heart? In 1953, Dr. John H. Gibbon performed the first successful open heart surgery. Dr. Gibbon was a surgeon in Philadelphia and he was…

Goliath & the Giants We Face

It’s David vs. Goliath! How many times have you heard someone say something like, “It’s David versus Goliath!” Whenever we say that, most of the time we’re talking about an…

The Rise & Fall of Goliath

Almost as Tall as Goliath What would you do if you had to wrestle Andre the Giant? Some of you may remember Andre the Giant. He was a famous wrestler…

The Lord Looks at the Heart

Are You After the Heart of God? What are you after? Everybody everywhere is after something. Some of us are after a better job, more money, helping our kids succeed,…

Giants: The bigger they are, the harder they fall

Giants Have you ever heard this saying, “The bigger they are, the harder they fall?” I’m not sure of the origin of that quote, but it certainly fits when we…

Giants Rise & Giants Fall: The Life of David

David and His Giants Even if you didn’t grow up in church you’ve probably heard the story of David and Goliath. What’s interesting about that story, and we’ll talk more…