Tag: identity

corey trevathan The Red Thread: Where do you Hang your Hope? Faith Sermons

The Red Thread: Where do you Hang your Hope?

Where do you most often hang your hope? If someone were to give you a name tag that says, “Hello, My Name is…” you would probably write your name. But…

corey trevathan 4 Reasons People Give Faith YouTube

4 Reasons People Give

Why do we give? Specifically, why do we give to church? I believe there are 4 reasons people give. You will probably resonate with one of the first 3 reasons,…

corey trevathan There is Hope For Us Faith Sermons

There is Hope For Us

What are you hoping for today? Some of you know that one of the things I like to do, especially in the mornings, is go for a run. When I…

corey trevathan God is For Us: No Obligation For Us Faith Sermons

God is For Us: No Obligation For Us

No Obligation Here’s something you need to know: You don’t have to do that anymore. Let me explain. When I was in college I worked at a paint store. My…

corey trevathan What Matters Most? Faith Sermons

What Matters Most?

Begin with the End in Mind Stephen Covey once famously wrote… “To begin with the end in mind means to start with a clear understanding of your destination. It means…

corey trevathan A World without Fruit Faith Sermons

A World without Fruit

A World without Fruit Can you imagine a world without fruit? My wife and I have 3 kids. They are all unique in their own ways and one of the…

corey trevathan Your Name Sermons

Your Name

You have a name. And this may be the most powerful truth of all time: God knows your name. He knows your situation, your past, your present. He knows how…

corey trevathan 2 Questions You Have to Ask Yourself to Grow Faith

2 Questions You Have to Ask Yourself to Grow

The parable of the flower. Once upon a time there was a beautiful flower.  It was tall & beautiful.  It’s petals were soft & it’s fragrance was sweet.  But one…