Tag: love

corey trevathan True Story: Compelled by Love Faith YouTube

True Story: Compelled by Love

Compelled by Love In 2008 there was a softball game between the Western Oregon Wolves and Central Washington University.  Whoever wins this game gets to advance to the division playoffs….

corey trevathan The Day Love Won Faith Sermons

The Day Love Won

Love Won Rosa & Virgina It was December, 1955, when Rosa Parks found herself sitting in a jail cell in Montgomery, AL.  Her crime?  She was arrested because she was…

corey trevathan Loved People Love People Faith YouTube

Loved People Love People

Some people say hurt people hurt people. If that’s true, could this also be true? Loved people love people. What does love look like? You’ve probably seen this picture or…

corey trevathan OneAnothering: Serve One Another in Love Faith Sermons

OneAnothering: Serve One Another in Love

A Consumeristic World A few weeks ago my parents were in town and so my wife and I were able to go out on a date night.  Here’s how you…

corey trevathan OneAnothering: A New Way to Love Faith Sermons

OneAnothering: A New Way to Love

Jesus showed us a new way to love. But have we forgotten how to love in the way of Jesus? What does it mean to be the church?  What is…

corey trevathan How do you move forward in family relationships?  Part 2 Faith Family Sermons

How do you move forward in family relationships? Part 2

Moving Forward in Family Relationships So how do you move forward in your relationships when you feel like your stuck? It happens sometimes.  Life gets busy.  Our kids schedules get…

corey trevathan Relationships: How do you move forward? Part 1 Faith Family Sermons

Relationships: How do you move forward? Part 1

Spring Break! Every Spring Break our family has a tradition of going on a camping trip.  For years, we’ve done tent camping.  Mostly because it’s inexpensive and the kids love…

corey trevathan How to live wisely Family Faith Sermons

How to live wisely

How do you know how to live wisely? Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? How many of you remember the game show from the late 90’s called, “Who Wants to…

corey trevathan How can you look forward with FAITH in uncertain times? Family Faith YouTube

How can you look forward with FAITH in uncertain times?

Seeing Clearly with Faith Sometimes things that are far away appear blurry, unclear, and uncertain. It’s normal to worry about what’s ahead when the future is unknown but what if…

corey trevathan Purity Matters Faith Sermons

Purity Matters

“I want those who know me best to respect me most.”– Mark Batterson Purity? Coke?  Comet? What would you do if I gave you a can of Coke and asked…