Tag: Revelation

corey trevathan The Worship of Heaven Faith Worship YouTube

The Worship of Heaven

More Than Meets the Eye Have you ever been in a situation where you thought, there is more going on here than meets the eye? On May 13, the British…

corey trevathan The Heart of Worship Faith Sermons

The Heart of Worship

The Soundtrack of Our Lives I don’t know about you, but there are certain songs, when I hear them, something happens inside of me. There are certain lyrics, when they…

corey trevathan His Name is Faithful and True Faith Sermons

His Name is Faithful and True

Our future hope is so great that it calls for our present faithfulness and perseverance.  HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! 22 years ago Valentines Day was on a Sunday. I didn’t have…

corey trevathan Worship: May it be on earth as it is in heaven Worship

Worship: May it be on earth as it is in heaven

Lately I’ve been captivated by this thought… What would worship look like if it were “on earth as it is in heaven?” Jesus prayed: “May Your kingdom come, may Your will…