Tag: serving

corey trevathan What Matters Most? Faith YouTube

What Matters Most?

What really matters? We can spend our days chasing after the things this world has to offer but that dream car, that dream house, that dream job… it just won’t…

corey trevathan Do You Need to Make a Course Correction? Faith Sermons

Do You Need to Make a Course Correction?

Flight 901 Learn to live in such a way that those who know you, but don’t know God, will come to know God because they know you.Unknown On November 28,…

corey trevathan OneAnothering: Serve One Another in Love Faith Sermons

OneAnothering: Serve One Another in Love

A Consumeristic World A few weeks ago my parents were in town and so my wife and I were able to go out on a date night.  Here’s how you…