Tag: what matters most

corey trevathan Why Marriage Matters Faith Family YouTube

Why Marriage Matters

Marriage Matters Even though we live in a world and in a culture that often suggests otherwise, Marriage matters. Marriage is sacred, holy, spiritual, and special. Even when people who…

corey trevathan Others Matter: How Faith is Forged through Experience Faith Family Sermons

Others Matter: How Faith is Forged through Experience

Others Matter: The Power of Presence How many of you have ever attended a sporting event, a concert, a recital, a half time show, or anything like that to support…

corey trevathan Others Matter: How do we teach our kids to put others first? Faith Family YouTube

Others Matter: How do we teach our kids to put others first?

Others Matter When it comes to our kids, how can we teach them that others matter? For most of us, one of the first words we learn to say is,…

corey trevathan Family Matters: Jesus Matters Faith Family Sermons

Family Matters: Jesus Matters

Jesus Matters Can I ask you a quick question? This is a guilt free, shame free question. Just think about how you would respond. True or False: My relationship with…

corey trevathan Jesus Matters Faith Family YouTube

Jesus Matters

Jesus matters. That may go without saying but… let’s go ahead and say it out loud. Jesus matters! Why do we even need to talk about this? While it may…

corey trevathan Family Matters: What is IT that matters most? Faith Family Sermons

Family Matters: What is IT that matters most?

What is IT that matters most? What is IT that matters most? That’s an important question for us as parents and grandparents to ask and answer, and by the way……

corey trevathan What Matters Most? Faith YouTube

What Matters Most?

What really matters? We can spend our days chasing after the things this world has to offer but that dream car, that dream house, that dream job… it just won’t…