Tag: Our Father

corey trevathan What is the Biggest Obstacle to Your Prayer Life? Blog Faith YouTube

What is the Biggest Obstacle to Your Prayer Life?

What is the biggest obstacle to your prayer life? If I had to guess, you might say something like… I’m always busy. Or, there are so many distractions. After all,…

corey trevathan Whose Side Are You On? Faith Sermons

Whose Side Are You On?

The Wrong Side Many years ago, back when I was in middle school, our youth group at church did youth retreats every year. I always loved going on these youth…

corey trevathan Who Has the Power? Faith YouTube

Who Has the Power?

Who has the power? I remember when I was a kid, there was a cartoon called Heman and He would hold up his sword over his head and then be…

corey trevathan How far is the East from the West? Faith YouTube

How far is the East from the West?

How far is the east from the west? If you measure the distance between the east coast and the west coast in the United States, the distance is about 2800…

corey trevathan Forgive and You Will Be Forgiven Faith Sermons

Forgive and You Will Be Forgiven

Unforgiveness Do you really have to forgive in order to be forgiven? “If I were your enemy, I’d use every opportunity to bring old wounds to mind, as well as…

corey trevathan How's Your Prayer Life? Blog Faith YouTube

How’s Your Prayer Life?

Hard to Pray Can I ask you a question? How’s your prayer life? I know for some people it’s hard to pray. It’s hard to know what to pray. Or…

corey trevathan Give Us Today Our Daily Bread: Declaring Our Dependance Faith Sermons

Give Us Today Our Daily Bread: Declaring Our Dependance

Our Daily Bread: Depending What are you depending on God for today? I don’t know about you, but one of the first things I noticed when we started gathering in-person…

corey trevathan What is the Goal of Prayer? Faith YouTube

What is the Goal of Prayer?

What is the goal of prayer? The other day I was sitting at the table with my kids and we were talking about this idea of prayer. And I forget…

corey trevathan Your Kingdom Come: The Way You Pray Changes the Way You Live Faith Sermons

Your Kingdom Come: The Way You Pray Changes the Way You Live

Your Kingdom Come What do you think about when you think about Heaven? What is life like in heaven? Learning to Drive Earlier this year our son turned 15. Which…

corey trevathan Why we Pray Our Father Faith Sermons

Why we Pray Our Father

Our Father in heaven,may your name be kept holy.your kingdom come,your will be done,on earth as it is in heaven.Give us today our daily bread.and forgive us our sins,as we…